“Why is God taking so long?”

How to wait on God and be in the position to receive: Matthew 6:24, Mathew 6:31-34, Matthew 6:21

Time means nothing to God. I’ve been reminded that, most of the things we want, come when we least expect it, yet it happens “Suddenly”. It happens in the moments where we are focused on what we do have, when we are occupied with the other blessings we were once waiting for, like the new job, the new car, new friends, a new house or apartment. When we are staying within Gods will. But also, Isn’t it crazy how we beg and plead for these things for years, and once we get it… We start out excited, happy, telling everyone about it but over time we realize now we have to maintain it, take care of it, devote our time to it. We ask for new jobs, and then eventually complain about working long hours. We get used to the things we once begged for now that we have it. Does anything hold its excitement? When we were kids, was there any toy we begged for that we still play with today? or did it start to become boring after awhile? when did it stop having all of your attention? So what about the thing that we really want right now? the thing that we have been praying for that we are waiting for God to “suddenly” give? Maybe he is waiting for us to develop a better routine with the things we already have? Maybe he wants us to become content with what we have, where we are, with every circumstance? What if he hasn’t given us that one specific thing just yet because we aren’t in a position to be able to maintain it? to keep up with it? Time is nothing to God, but for us.. for us a few hours of waiting sometimes feels like weeks. weeks feel like months. Why? because that one thing we desire takes all of our attention. it paralysis us in time . It distracts us from everything else God has already given us, it Distracts us from spending time with God. I mean think about it. This is a never ending cycle. “God please give me “blank” and then we get said thing, and then the next month we are bored with that and develop a new fixation over something else we really want or feel like we need. and then the cycle continues. its always more, God. More. More. More. But what about God? is he not enough? does he fit into any of these desires? Maybe its time to shift your focus. Allow whatever youre asking for to happen suddenly. when you least expect it. 

It is time to become so caught up in God himself. Loving God, serving, and loving your neighbor. looking at what you already have and be content and grateful with things he has already given you, so that other thing you want can just happen when its supposed to happen. Luke 1:12 “God heard your prayer” is what an angel told Zechariah. He then let him know that he is getting the son he has been praying for. When did his blessing come? Suddenly. when he least expected it. And what was he doing in that moment? Luke1:8 – he was busy serving God in the temple for a week. Working. Doing his duty. Ruth 2:3 “And as it happened, she found herself working in a field”… when it comes to how God operates it “just happens” Ruth lost her man, was turned upside down, she left home and continued on with life. found a new area to serve in, and she just happened to receive her blessing (find her new man, who was really doing his big one in life) while working in a field. She was focused on her task, focused on what was in front of her, and it suddenly happened. How are you waiting? are you getting too caught up in how long its taking? or are you still getting up everyday, moving, working, doing your task? Allow it to just happen. you cant rush God. He has already heard your prayer.

I hope this helps you <3

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